E3 is probably one of the most exciting times to be a gamer, press conferences, game demos, and unexpected reveals. But the question is, what are we going to see this year? Here are four games that Couch Co-op hopes to see at E3.
Mirror’s Edge 2
Last E3, we got a small tease of EA’s first person parkour game, which appears to be a prequel. Hopefully we get more than just an extended trailer this year, it’s about time that we see some actual gameplay of it. -Joe
The Division
The Division was the game I was most excited about last year and even though its been delayed until 2015, I hope they give us another look at it during Ubisoft’s press conference. -Casey
No Man’s Sky
There’s one thing I’ve always wanted to do in a video game, explore a whole universe and No Man’s Sky does just that. Announced during VGX last year by Hello Games, this open world space traveling-exploration game blew my mind. It is known that Hello Games’ office was flooded a few months ago and that they have experienced some set backs but maybe, just maybe, we will get to see it this year. -Joe
Halo 5: Guardians
We seen a teaser, we know there is a new character (based on the post to Xbox Wire), the one thing we haven’t seen is the game itself, and I can pretty much guarantee that we will see it during Microsoft’s press conference. I don’t know about you but I’m always down to save humanity with the Chief. -Casey
Lastly, the epic MMO from the creators of Halo. We have seen slices from a few parts of the game and it has entered Beta but something tells me Bungie still has a few tricks up their sleeves. -Casey
These are just a few we are excited for. What games are you excited to see this year? Let us know in the comments.